Content Synthesis
Our content synthesis phase uses advanced RAG technology to transform collected information into coherent, well-researched content while maintaining accuracy and proper citation.
Synthesis Process
1. Knowledge Base Creation
- Source download and parsing
- Semantic indexing (using Pinecone)
2. Content Structure
- Outline generation
- Section planning
- Flow optimization
- Narrative development
3. Progressive Generation
- Section-by-section writing
- Citation integration
- Visual enhancement
RAG Technology
Our RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) ensures:
- Source-based generation
- Fact verification
- Citation tracking
- Anti-hallucination
- Narrative coherence
- Logical progression
- Style consistency
- Clear structure
Output Optimization
The synthesis results in:
- Well-structured content
- Factual content with proper citations
- Visual enhancements
- Retain brand, style and tones.
Processing Time
Content synthesis typically completes in around 20 minutes, delivering comprehensive research with proper citations and visuals.